Data Solution Financial Planning.
‍‍↳ Effective financial planning and management through visualized budget control.

Flexible blending of data.

Flexibly blend your financial data with data from other departments and consolidate them in one solution.

Real-time monitoring.

Track your financial situation with the help of budget key figures and optimize the allocation of your resources.

Impact-oriented control.

Identify budget-relevant developments and make decisions based on current data.

Trusted by more than 500 public administrations.

A new way of financial planning.

Visualize profit and loss, financial budget, and create comparative analyses with other administrative units with significantly reduced effort.

Blend budget data with specialized department data like HR to address complex questions. The integrated data provides valuable information for conducting multi-layered financial analyses and evaluating the current budget situation and adopted policy measures actively.

Get access to a free trial.
↳ And see how our Financial Planning Solution can support you.

Our Financial Planning Solution in detail.
↳ Discover what’s included.

All Platform Plans (Basic, Professional, Enterprise) can be upgraded with the Financial Planning Solution.

Finance Planning Solution

Upgrade your platform plan with our Financial Planning Solution

General (in addition to your package)

Storage and computation

Data integration and transformation (in addition to your package)

Setting up data connectors for automated data integration by Polyteia
Automated transformation and cleansing of data by Polyteia
Data analysis and preparation of your data by Polyteia

Features (in addition to your package)

Data exploration via the data catalog
Dashboards and widget library, along with the capability to save your custom widgets

Finance Solution

Upgrade your platform plan with our Finance Solution

All Platform Plans (Basic, Professional, Enterprise) can be upgraded with the Finance Solution

General (in addition to your package)

Storage and computation

Data integration and transformation (in addition to your package)

Setting up data connectors for automated data integration by Polyteia
Automated transformation and cleansing of data by Polyteia
Data analysis and preparation of your data by Polyteia

Features (in addition to your package)

Data exploration via the data catalog
Dashboards and widget library, along with the capability to save your custom widgets

Dashboards (in addition to your package)

Overview of income and financial statement

Budget visualization offering comprehensive insights into both the operating and financial budgets for six years. This includes two years preceding the current plan and three projections for future budgets. You can expand these for a more detailed view.

Budget plans according to organizational hierarchy

Individual budgets as well as sub-budgets of your organizational areas.

Product hierarchy overview

Budget overview according to its product hierarchy. You can choose between overviews at main product level and overviews at product or even sub-product level.

Income and expense types

A breakdown of income and expense types or planned payments based on their source and purpose.

Key budget figures

The most important key figures for the New Municipal Financial Management (NKF) to monitor the overall economic budget situation of your municipality.

Add-on dashboards

Impact-oriented budget management

Integrate data from your departments and track self-defined impact indicators in parallel with the corresponding financial data in one overview.

In-year management

Comparisons of current budgets with that of previous years and of the current financial situation.

Investment overview

Detailed breakdown of the planned investments by project. For each project, you will also receive information on the projected follow-up costs, including factors such as the time of use, annual depreciation, personnel, and operating costs.

Annual financial statement

Overview of your budget result and a comparison with the budget plan. Additionally, you can gain insights into your annual financial statements, including the balance sheet and statement of assets and liabilities, broken down by income and financial statement, and categorized by product and organizational hierarchy.

A proven track record
↳ See how we work with municipalities

Case Study: Pattensen

This is how the city of Pattensen uses the Kita Solution

Frequently Asked Questions.

Is the Polyteia platform compatible with government process software?

Certainly! We collaborate with government process software providers and IT service providers to guarantee a smooth integration.

Can I build my own Solutions?

Absolutely! With any of our packages (Basic, Professional, Enterprise), you have the flexibility to create customized Solutions.

How secure is my data when working with Polyteia?

All access is end-to-end encrypted, our cloud infrastructure is BSI-certified, and we process personal data in line with the highest data protection and IT security standards.

Is it possible to operate the Polyteia platform On-Premise?

We believe that cloud operation brings substantial benefits. However, we are also open to discuss all alternative options with you.

Let’s talk about your needs

Schedule an appointment with us and we’ll let you know how you can leverage our platform tailored to your needs.

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