
Become a Service Partner.
↳ Win new customers and create added value with data.

Why become a Service Partner?

Address staff shortages and dismantle data silos.

The demographic shift presents a mounting challenge for public entities, as they contend with a diminishing workforce. Furthermore, the presence of data silos hampers collaboration, leading to errors, wasted time, and frustration. Consequently, both administrative staff and department heads face impediments in fulfilling their primary responsibilities.

Together we provide the solutions to surmount these challenges and empower efficient operations.

Deliver value.

Many software choices and BI solutions often fall short of addressing the unique demands of public administration and other large organizations. Furthermore, these solutions often consist of just the software itself, leaving organizations with the added burden of procuring additional technologies for hosting, data transformation, data connectors, and implementation.

Polyteia breaks this pattern by covering the entire data cycle, spanning from data sources to data visualization and publication.

Why Polyteia?

We offer a flexible, scalable and secure infrastructure.

As a Service Partner, you leverage Polyteia's versatile and scalable data platform to create adaptable Data Solutions for your clients. Our compliant and secure IT infrastructure enables the realization of even highly intricate and customized Solutions.

Take advantage of our exceptional technology and partnership program to deliver substantial data value to your clients.

Expand your portfolio
with Data Solutions.

As a Service Partner, you gain from our proven track record in designing integrated Data Solutions that genuinely enhance the operations of public administrations.

We provide more than just technical expertise; we actively share our best practices with you. With your technical proficiency, you can swiftly create added value for your customers.

Certification programme - unlocking your potential.

As a Service Partner, you benefit from our certification program that rapidly equips you to take on the role of a data analyst. You'll become familiar with our data platform, develop solutions through training sessions, and gain a deep understanding of the data processing challenges that administrative staff face.

This knowledge empowers your company to provide optimal support for these challenges, setting you on a path to success.

Kernfunktionalitäten der Datenlösung.


Bevölkerungsprognose nach Bezirk und Alter auf Basis der Einwohnermeldedaten.


Aufbereitung der Flüchtlingsbewegung nach Geschlecht und Alter.


Kitabedarfsprognose auf Basis der demografischen Entwicklung.


Visualisierung des Zu- und Fortzugs der Bevölkerung, inklusive Ziel- /Herkunftsort.

Get access to a free trial.
↳ And see how our Solutions support administrations.

Let’s talk about your needs

Schedule an appointment with us and we’ll let you know how you can leverage our platform tailored to your needs.

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