Data Solution Daycare.
‍‍↳ Monitor spot utilization and predict capacity demand at the push of a button.

Predict shortages and plan ahead.

Identify which districts have a shortage of daycare places and take corrective action.

Future forecasting.

Forecast the number of children to be cared for based on different scenarios.

Keep an eye on occupancy.

Monitor occupancy and utilization, capacity and provision of daycare centers, as well as the demographic development of groups relevant to care.

Trusted by more than 100 public administrations.

A new way of planning daycare needs.

Monitor your childcare situation and assess the effectiveness of past childcare measures based on facility-specific data.

Utilize our visualizations to strengthen your presentations, statements, or negotiations. With our scenarios for demand, capacity, and care rates, ensure you never run out of daycare spots again.

Get access to a free trial.
↳ And see how our Daycare Solution can support you.

Our Daycare Solution in detail.
↳ Discover what’s included.

All Platform Plans (Basic, Professional, Enterprise) can be upgraded with the Daycare Solution.

Daycare Solution

Upgrade your platform plan with our Daycare Solution

General (in addition to your package)

Storage and computation

Data integration and transformation (in addition to your package)

Setting up data connectors for automated data integration by Polyteia
Automated transformation and cleansing of data by Polyteia
Data analysis and preparation of your data by Polyteia

Dashboards (in addition to your package)

Data exploration via the data catalog
Dashboards and widget library, along with the capability to save your custom widgets

Daycare Solution

Upgrade your platform plan with our daycare Solution

All Platform Plans (Basic, Professional, Enterprise) can be upgraded with the daycare Solution

General (in addition to your package)

Storage and computation

Data integration and transformation (in addition to your package)

Setting up data connectors for automated data integration by Polyteia
Automated transformation and cleansing of data by Polyteia
Data analysis and preparation of your data by Polyteia

Features (in addition to your package)

Data exploration via the data catalog
Dashboards and widget library, along with the capability to save your custom widgets

Dashboards (in addition to your package)

Demographic forecast

Population forecast based on the cohort-component model, which facilitates an analysis of the projected growth of resident children by age group and district.

Demand forecast

A demand forecast that not only considers demographic forecasts but also illustrates the gap between future capacities and expected child occupancy, along with utilization rates. You can experiment with different scenarios, adjusting child numbers based on current demographic data and childcare ratios to assess changing requirements under new forecasts.

Planned measures

An overview of planned capacity changes, including facility details, age groups, and the anticipated implementation date of the measures.

Demographic development

Key information about the demographic changes in care-relevant groups. It visualizes the year-by-year age distribution and the evolution of age groups over time.

Supply and demand development

Supply and demand which are described through the care, utilization, and supply rates of specific age groups. You can analyze the developments over time and choose from filtered overviews by neighborhoods or neighborhood groups.

Historical facility occupancy

A widget that displays the connection between capacity and occupancy. You have the option to filter the widget by age group and facility.

Current capacity and utilisation

Monthly overview of facility capacity and utilization, categorized by age group. It also shows the available slots in the same level of detail.

Other care options

Data regarding the number of children receiving care in another municipality, categorized by age group and daycare year. It also provides a tabular overview of the number of children from other municipalities being cared for in your facilities, organized by age group and nursery year.

Add-on dashboards


An overview of infants aged 0-2 years who are receiving child day care. The overview includes the number, the nursery year, the childcare rate for this age group, and the number of childminders.

After-school care

Detailed information about schoolchildren aged 7-12 who are enrolled in an after-school care center, categorized by daycare year. You can also view the care rate, indicating the proportion of resident children in after-school care.

Scenarios (Advanced)

We can offer additional adjustable scenarios for the demand forecast. For instance, you can flexibly modify the care rate and the standard demographic forecast in a diagram, allowing you to quickly assess how these adjustments impact your needs.

Financial Planning

We create financial analyses of daycare facilities for you by integrating other data sources.


Overviews of staff in daycare centers and all-day care facilities to simplify staff planning.

A proven track record.
↳ See how we work with public administrations.

Plan daycare demand reliably with Polyteia.

How Pattensen is using our Daycare Solution to create automated reports and scenario planning.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Is the Polyteia platform compatible with government process software?

Certainly! We collaborate with government process software providers and IT service providers to guarantee a smooth integration.

Can I build my own Solutions?

Absolutely! With any of our packages (Basic, Professional, Enterprise), you have the flexibility to create customized Solutions.

How secure is my data when working with Polyteia?

All access is end-to-end encrypted, our cloud infrastructure is BSI-certified, and we process personal data in line with the highest data protection and IT security standards.

Is it possible to operate the Polyteia platform On-Premise?

We believe that cloud operation brings substantial benefits. However, we are also open to discuss all alternative options with you.

Let’s talk about your needs

Schedule an appointment with us and we’ll let you know how you can leverage our platform tailored to your needs.

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