Case Study

Accesible education statistics with Polyteia.
↳ SenBJF makes projections on student numbers intuitive and accessible.

1 solution for 10 processes

Polyteia sums up processes with more than 10 manual steps into one solution.

Equivalent to 3 full time employees

The Demography Solution enables daycare planning at the push of a button.

No child without a daycare spot

With Polyteia, Wadgassen reduced the names on the kita waiting list to zero.

The challenge.

Data silos prevent Wadgassen from processing data efficiently.

In early 2020, Wadgassen decided to modernize its administration by using data more effectively. Their goal was to use data intelligently for more effective decision-making and navigation. The main challenge was to combine and process data from various sources, .

Manual processes not only tie up resources but also delay decision-making

The right software for this task was missing. Employees spent hours dealing with the time-consuming process of merging and preparing different data sets. Important tasks like planning for daycare facilities suffered. External factors like COVID-19 or increasing numbers of arriving refugees could only be included in predictions with a lot of effort and expertise.

Why Polyteia?

Wadgassen and three other saarland municipalities piloting the Solution Demography.

To address their challenges, Wadgassen and three other Saarland municipalities approached their IT provider, eGo-Saar, to procure the Demogrpahy Solution. The pilot project was initiated in autumn 2020 by the four municipalities.

Polyteia connects the government process software VOIS MESO.

Polyteia connects population registration data from the government's process software VOIS MESO to the Polyteia platform through a connector. Within the Polyteia platform, the data undergoes automatic transformation and preparation, making it accessible as an insights library.

Reports are available at the push of a button.

The data solution demography enables users in Wadgassen to access comprehensible analyses of population development, including migration, births, and age structure. It provides data for daycare and school planning in the required format whenever needed. Additionally, it allows for the integration of other important variables, such as accounting for the number of new arrived refugees.

“In Wadgassen we don't have waiting lists for daycare spots because we use the Polyteia forecasts to see future demand respond to it immedeatly.

- Sebastian Greiber / Bürgermeister der Gemeinde Wadgassen.

The result.

Goal-oriented daycare planning.

The Demography Solution includes visualizations of historical trends and enables detailed forecasts. The administration can export reports and present them to the council to support decision-making. Thanks to intuitive forecasts, Wadgassen managed to reduce the waiting list for daycare spots to zero in 2022.

Robust decision-making basis.

The pandemic and the war in Ukraine showed how important it is for policymakers and administrative officials to be agile and flexible, using well-informed data whenever possible. With the Demography Solution Wadgassen analyzes the development of new arriving refugees and the population development in real-time. This enables Wadgassen to anticipate trends and to adapt social infrastructure planning whenever needed.

2022, Saarland rolls out the data solution for the whole federal state.

The four pilot municipalities successfully tested the Demography Solution. In mid-2022, Saarland's IT service provider, eGo-Saar, approved a statewide rollout. The Solution is now available to all 58 municipal administrations as well as the state authorities in Saarland

Kernfunktionalitäten der Datenlösung.


Bevölkerungsprognose nach Bezirk und Alter auf Basis der Einwohnermeldedaten.


Aufbereitung der Flüchtlingsbewegung nach Geschlecht und Alter.


Kitabedarfsprognose auf Basis der demografischen Entwicklung.


Visualisierung des Zu- und Fortzugs der Bevölkerung, inklusive Ziel- /Herkunftsort.

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